
I turned the crank and waited. The 13-sided cube spilled out onto the table, spinning, until it came to rest, one number coming into focus: 7. “Well, we have a 7 for you. Not bad — just better than the median. Of course, now comes the defining part.” He dealt … … more …

Fortune Cookie Wisdom

Yesterday I saw my 75 year old neighbor making a slow climb up a hill in the open parkland. He had a cane and a chair in one hand, a model airplane with a three foot wingspan in the other. Every ten feet or so, he stopped to rest. I … … more …

Keep your wallet in your pocket

During the last thirty years, I’ve only once been to a barber. Well, counting today, twice. You see, my wife is not a barber but a “stylist.” Under whichever moniker, she’s been cutting my hair since our days of courtship. Luckily for her, I have naturally curly hair which lends … … more …

An 8x8x8 Day

Each day is like a box: 8 hours tall, 8 hours wide, 8 hours deep.  There’s only so much we can fit in it; the rest of our efforts and good intentions fall out.Sleep takes 8 hours, especially if one includes the time to wash up prior and post.  Work … … more …

I’ll take the wackos

On the way to work, I see such diversity.  Cars of every make and color.  People of different race, appearance and age.  Stopping at a coffee house, I look around me as I wait for my latte – one of about seventy different choices and possible combinations.  Most of the … … more …

A Flight of Bubbles

Unchecked Joy Today we experienced a moment of unchecked joy. Having found considerable interest in my Pustefix Rocket bubble blower during the AM recess at elementary school, I brought my Pustefix bear outside for the afternoon affair. First I let my little cadre blow some. This soon attracted other children. … … more …

À la Carte

“Waiter, I’ll have some of that endearing affection,” I said, pointing toward a young couple at a nearby table. Their hands were touching, moving as they talked. They broke into blushing smiles, lost in their own world. “Yes sir. Right away, sir,” he replied in compliant fashion. Within a minute, the maitre d’ escorted … … more …