Chocklee! Your Smile Awaits You!

Feeling drab? Somber? As if life is overwhelming?

It’s time for Chocklee! – a mild mood enhancer approved by the FDA. Numerous studies over decades have shown that occasional use of Chocklee (also known by the brand name Hershey’s Chocolate) elevates one’s mood, calms nerves, decreases anxiety, and enhances one’s outlook on the day!

Packed with healthy chemicals like flavoinoids and theobromine, cacao – the principal ingredient in Chocklee – has been shown to be an immune booster, as well as lowering cholesterol, preventing cognitive decline, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Scientists at Harvard Medical School suggest that Chocklee keeps the brain healthy and prevents memory decline in older people by preserving blood flow in working areas of the brain. The lead author, Farzaneh A. Sorond, said: “This neurovascular coupling may play an important role in diseases such as Alzheimer’s.”

Cacao in Chocklee contains phenyl-ethylamine, a mild mood elevator, as well as oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fat which can raise good cholesterol. The shared use of Chocklee may lead to increased sexual frequency. Chocklee pares well with red wine.

Ask your doctor about Chocklee for anxiety and depression. Chocklee is not for everyone. It should not be used for those with indications of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, or acne. Use exceeding recommended dosage has been found to increase weight, spike blood sugar, and deplete financial accounts. Chocklee may contribute to lower bone density and trigger headaches in migraine sufferers. It is high in calories, saturated fat and sugar. Excessive use could lead to physical or psychological addiction.

Those with adrenal disease or kidney disease should watch their intake of high-potassium foods like Chocklee to avoid elevated levels of the mineral in their blood. People with cocoa allergies should not take Chocklee. Chocklee may be lethal to pets. The use of Chocklee is not covered by most medical insurance plans.


Chocklee! Your Smile Awaits You! — 1 Comment